Facebook Recommendations & Reviews: How to give them

Show your support for a local business or a worthwhile cause

  • How to give a Facebook Review / Recommendation

    28 Feb 2020

    Facebook Reviews/Recommendations are a great way to show your support to a fantastic cause, or to help a local company, or simply to say thanks for a great experience. 

    If you are not sure how to give a Facebook review/recommendation, this short article with show you how. 

    Step 1: Find the company or charity or organisation you want to review/recommend.

    Step 2 & 3: Select Reviews and then select Yes (or No)

     How to give a Facebook Review - steps 1 to 3

    Step 4: Write your review. 

    Be effusive. Be friendly. Be helpful to anyone who looks at the review.

    Writing a Facebook Review

    Step 5. Share your review with Friends (not essential but nice to do)

    Share a Facebook Review



    How do Facebook Reviews help organisations?

    1. Research shows that people are heavily influenced by reviews.

    2. Recent reviews are often prominent on the organisations Facebook home.

    3. They sometimes appear in Google search results.

    4. They often appear in Bing search results. 

    5. Reviews can help organisations get higher ranking in search engines.

    6. By sharing your reviews with your circle you are helping to promote them.

    Giving a bad Facebook review

    If you really want to make your feelings known about a bad experience you have had, or a company that has treated you unfairly, you could give a bad review.

    These are powerful ways to get your complaints/opinions seen and they may make an organisation react faster and take you more seriously. However, you must be honest and keep to the facts or you could be sued for damages.

    But first I would recommend contacting the organisation and tell them that you are going to give them a negative review and why. This will allow them to rectify or explain their side of the story before it all goes public. 

    If you are not happy with their response then go ahead; but If you are going to give an organisation a bad review be honest but kind and try to be helpful - i.e. how they could improve. Give exact details of when and where and what went wrong.

    Taking this approach will make you look like the reasonable party, avoid litigation, and hopefully elicit a useful response. No one wins a slagging match - everyone just looks bad.

    For training courses on using Facebook for business, including how to get reviews and deal with any negative reviews click here 



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